Wednesday, May 29, 2013

20 Weeks - Half way There!!!

We've made it to the halfway point and things couldn't be going any better! We are finally almost done with our kitchen renovation, so we are back to eating better and eating at home! That also means our next project can be to start working on the nursery! It was Memorial Day weekend, this past week, so we had an extra day off of work, which just made me more exhausted because we tried to fit more things in. I went out on Saturday and bought my first real round of maternity clothes, other then just leggings and a pair of work pants! Some I'm not quite ready for yet, but most of its stuff I can wear now and I'll probably even be able to wear after baby girl comes!

She moves around SOOO much! Dan is finally able to feel it pretty frequently, her kicks can be downright violent, I used to have the nickname Crazy Legs, I think I have another Crazy Legs on my hands!! Yesterday I looked down and could see my tummy move from the outside, weird! I love being able to feel her move all the time, and love it even more when Dan can feel it too!

How far along? 20 weeks (again posting later at 21.3 weeks though)
Total weight gain/loss: I think about 5 lbs. I have my next appointment Thursday June 6, we'll find out then!
Maternity clothes?  Some yes, I'll still wear my normal pants with a belly band to work sometimes, I just don't have the money to start a new wardrobe that I'll only wear for 4 more months! Its crazy!
Stretch marks?  Nope
Sleep: Sleeping fine still, sometimes if I do wake up its only to pee. Or Because my husband randomly decides at 4:30 in the morning that he's wide awake and can't sleep, I think mother nature is preparing him as well.
Best moment this week: Buying some new clothes I guess, the belly is finally popping and looking more preggers then fat which is nice because I'm far less self conscious about having a belly now!
Have you told family and friends: Yes
Miss Anything? For some reason I really wanted the clams and shell fish that everyone cooked all weekend at all our Memorial Day Parties, I don't even like it that much, I think I only wanted it because I can't have it!
Movement:  All the time! She's a squirmmer!
Food cravings:  Not really, Happy to be eating at home again, cooking some of my favorites and not eating out every night.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Yes finally!
Gender prediction: Its a GIRL!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Still in, kinda flat
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, been very tired lately though
Looking forward to: Finishing our registry this week and starting the nursery, Shower is in 10 weeks!

Monday, May 20, 2013

18 weeks! ITS A .........

This was the week we had been waiting for we FINALLY found out whether our little Baby Mags was a boy or a girl!!!!

ITS A...........

We are so excited to be having a little girl and I've already been stocking up on sweet baby girl outfits that I can't get enough of!
We spilled the news to all our family and friends by hosting a little gender reveal party. I had seen so many things I liked on Pinterest for how to reveal it, but we ended up doing the box of balloons since it seems like the easiest thing to do on short notice, we found out on Thursday and kept the secret to ourselves until Saturday morning. We definitely had everyone fooled, I think almost everyone in the room thought we were having a boy, and had done a pretty good job of convincing me the same.  But we are thrilled beyond belief for a little girl!

How far along? 18 weeks (As usual I'm about a week behind posting this though)
Total weight gain/loss:  up 4 lbs.
Maternity clothes?  Some, still wearing any of my old clothes that I can manage to not look ridiculous in
Stretch marks?  Nope
Sleep: Still sleeping very good actually, usually wake up at least once, but I fall right back asleep
Best moment this week: Finding out our little peanut is a baby GIRL!! The whole sonogram in general was amazing because they put it up on a big screen TV and we watched her move all around for a good 15-20 minutes. She was moving like crazy and the doctor was able to point out all her major organs and everything, crazy to see a little person moving around inside you!
Have you told family and friends:  Yes
Miss Anything?  I miss being skinny, I'm not used to seeing myself with such a tummy, and all my favorite summer clothes no longer fit me!
Movement:  Tons! She moves around like crazy and Dan is finally able to feel it once in awhile. He sometimes isn't patient enough but he can definitely feel different parts of her when she moves in the right position and we can find a real hard spot or something.
Food cravings:  Jalapenos. I wouldn't call them cravings but its been the one thing I want to put on everything that I never really used to like.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really.
Have you started to show yet: The belly kinda popped this week. I went from looking a little chubby to being pregnant, I am told that I'm still pretty tiny though!
Gender prediction: Its a GIRL!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but starting to change shape a little bit. The belly button ring came out this week so it feels a little funny.
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, business as usual
Looking forward to: Starting the nursery!! Now that we know the gender I was able to finish our registry and pick out some of the colors we want to use. I just don't want to go to pink crazy on everything!

Monday, May 6, 2013

17 Weeks

I'm posting a little behind, but here's my update for 17 weeks!! Baby is moving around a lot now! Dan was actually able to feel it once, he's not patient enough to feel it more often, since its not moving constantly. But I used to have to sit really still in order to feel it, now I can feel it a little more frequently, like at my desk at work or when in the car. Our 18 week sono is this Thursday and we CANNOT WAIT to find out if its a HE or a SHE!

How far along? 17 weeks, (technically I'm posting today at 18.1 weeks)
Total weight gain/loss: Was up about 3 lbs according to my scale, we'll see what the doctor says Thursday
Maternity clothes?  Some, Pants Yes! I have a few other things that I wear a lot because they are comfy but I wear my old clothes mostly, as long as they are loose fitting!
Stretch marks?  Nope and we're hoping to keep it that way! :-)
Sleep: Sleeping great still, we had our floors refinished at our house this week so I wasn't allowed to be in there, so we've been staying at my sister's and our friends house, I am sleeping very well considering I'm not in my own bed.
Best moment this week: Had to be when Dan felt the kick. I've been waiting for him to be able to feel it too and he felt it once while laying in bed. 
Miss Anything?  I was okay this week, I've been doing just fine eating everything in sight!
Movement:  Little kicks - they started out feeling like a muscle twitch but now they are actually starting to feel like the baby is doing little somersaults!
Food cravings:  I am obsessed with putting fresh jalapenos on everything right now. I also love the Wegmans real fruit popsicles, pink grapefruit and pomegranate!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really, my vitamins gave me a close call this week when I took them on an empty stomach, won't do that again!
Have you started to show yet: A little bit, I still think I just look fat but others think it looks like a little baby bump, pretty small still though.
Gender prediction: I have such mixed feelings still since everyone else has an opinion. I'm sticking with boy still so I stay consistent, but we will FINALLY know after Thursday. We're having a gender reveal party on Saturday for family and close friends who can't wait to find out too! Dan and I have to keep our little secret for 2 whole days!!
Labor Signs: NO
Belly Button in or out? Innie, I feel like it might stay in?
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  I was a little crabby this weekend since I wasn't able to go back into my own house on Saturday when I thought I would be able to, I chalked that up to not sleeping in my own bed, not showering and I was really hungry!
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender this week!!!!!!!!!!!