Monday, February 25, 2013

8 Weeks and Running through Pregnancy

Okay so technically I am 9 weeks today, but I'm a little slow posting, so this is my 8 week update. Before I do my questions I just want to write a little bit on how running is going. I've made it a goal of mine to try and run throughout this whole thing, starting with a half marathon next month that I signed up for long before we found out.
Running is really hard!! At 8 weeks I can already tell that its just going to keep getting harder. I was doing so good at first. Running 6 miles and feeling great the whole time. When I slowed my pace down from a 9 minute mile to an 11 minute mile, it first felt like I could just run forever at that pace, but last weekend there was a whole slew of other things going on. Tailbone pain is at the top of my list right now (which usually goes away a few minutes into running). I'm just so nervous still about over doing it, so if I feel like I'm sweating too much or breathing too hard I take it down to a walk, which is very frustrating for someone who doesn't like to walk on a run. Usually if I'm not feeling it I would just cut the run short, but I don't like to walk. So this is definitely a change in pace (no pun intended) that I really have to get used to. I hope after my first doctor appt. and I get the A-Ok that everything looks good, I'll be less paranoid. 
The half marathon next month (a week and a half actually, yikes!) is going to be tough, its down in Miami Beach so I'm a little worried about the heat, although the race starts at 6:13am so I'm hoping we're okay that time of day. Its just going to be a long morning of running a half mile, walking a quarter mile. But I think it will be the most rewarding thing to say I did, so I'm very excited, even if it takes me all day!

How far along? 8 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Same still
Maternity clothes?  Not yet
Stretch marks?  Nope
Sleep: Sleeping great, sleeping all the time!
Best moment this week: Knowing our sonogram is just a few days away
Have you told family and friends:  One by one we've spilled the beans, one of my best friends from HS found out last weekend (I can't keep a secret for anything) and I told my boss at lunch last week. Still waiting on the sonogram for the rest.
Miss Anything?  I'm starting to miss turkey sandwiches, I have to find some cooked deli meat asap!
Movement:  Nothing yet
Food cravings:  Lemonade is a thing now.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not specifically, just find myself being very picky about what I want to eat.
Have you started to show yet: I feel like it comes and goes, this weekend Dan and I thought yes, today not so much!
Gender prediction: Still not sure yet, but I read about a trick on reading the first sonogram with 97% accuracy. I'll make my formal prediction soon I think. :-)
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Our first sonogram on Thursday!!

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