Monday, April 8, 2013

14 Weeks

We spent week 13 in the Dominican Republic on vacation, so I took my 14 week photos at the tail end of the week! I feel like the baby bump started to show up a little bit this week, I still think I just look chubby but everyone else says I look pregnant. Vacation was amazing, even being at an all-inclusive resort not being able to drink was made tolerable by 86 degree days, sunshine and the bright Caribbean! So I can't complain. We also finally took some photos to make our big reveal on Facebook, I've been trying to put this off for as long as possible, but I think my mother will go crazy if I don't give her permission to announce that she is going to be a grandma soon. So after my 14 week update I will share some of those photos that are going up this week too.

How far along? 14 weeks today
Total weight gain/loss:  I weighed in today 2 lbs heavier, I think vacation and the all you can eat buffet is to blame on this one though!
Maternity clothes?  Just my leggings which are really the only comfortable thing I can wear to work
Stretch marks?  Nope
Sleep: I don't have a good update on this since our bed on vacation was the worlds most uncomfortable mattress and pillows and caused me to wake up every hour all week
Best moment this week: Being on vacation! Probably our last one child less!
Have you told family and friends:  Yes, everyone close to us knows, Facebook Official is coming soon
Miss Anything?  Wine (of course) Not drinking on vacation wasn't as bad as I thought, but I do miss cheese... brie, feta, bleu, it was on a lot of food in the restaurants this week and I had to just pick other things.
Movement:  I feel pregnant. I don't feel the baby yet, but I sometimes can feel hard spots in my tummy or feel like I can feel things shifting around. Weird.
Food cravings:  I really wanted yogurt, granola and fresh fruit something bad this morning which isn't anything I ever really liked combined before.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Have you started to show yet: Depends on the time of day and what I ate on how big, but yes I think so.
Gender prediction: I am still so torn. I'm gonna stick with boy for now since that was my original guess, but I have no idea
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out?  In
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Going to register for the big baby items next weekend! Finding out the gender May 9! (This will be my answer to this question every week until May 9!)

So this was our second idea, that we thought conveyed the message better!

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